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Prenatal Music Bonding


Sat.  Aug 14th @ 9:30am



5-week Series

Aug 21-Sept 18th

In-Person: Sat. 9:30-10:30am

Partners welcome & encouraged!

Cost: $99 (2 participants for 5 classes)

What is Prenatal Music Therapy?
Music Therapy is a clinical, evidence-based practice which uses music to achieve non-musical goals. In this case, bonding with your baby while in utero!

Therapeutic Musical Activities Include:
Music & Relaxation: For quiet, calm connection with your baby


Singing & Movement: To gently stimulate your baby with outside
musical cues


Learning new lullabies: To give you new tools to continue using after baby arrives

What do I bring?
Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, prepare to be barefoot.


Studies have shown that baby's recognize lullaby's that they heard in utero once they are born.

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